Research For The Future home page
Research for the Future is an award-winning, NHS supported campaign that helps people find out about and take part in health and care research. Getting involved in research means you are helping to discover new ways to prevent, diagnose and manage illnesses.
Everyone is welcome to register with Research for the Future, whether you have a health condition or not. The only requirement is that you must live in England and be 18 or over. Registering means you will receive information about opportunities to take part in research.
We have opportunities to get involved in research across all health conditions as well as for healthy volunteers.
There are many different types of research to get involved with including:
- completing a survey or questionnaire
- being part of a discussion group
- trialling new technology or testing new equipment
- helping to develop and design a research project
- being involved in a clinical trial.
We also have five areas of particular interest, our ‘Help BEAT’ campaigns, and we are especially keen to hear from people living with one, or more of these health conditions. Our current campaigns are Help BEAT Diabetes, Help BEAT Heart Disease, Help BEAT Kidney Disease, Help BEAT Respiratory Disease and Help BEAT Coronavirus.
Current studies

Supporting people with diabetes and CVD
Co-creating an intervention to better support people living with these conditions.
Find out more about: Supporting people with diabetes and CVD

Investigating whether a medication used to treat people in hospital with Covid-19 can help reduce symptoms of long Covid.

Driving with Neuropathy
Assessing whether a visual feedback system will allow drivers with diabetic neuropathy to drive more safely.

Evaluating a new way to detect whether a person will develop heart failure, or become unwell with it.

Developing an imaging system to measure oxygenation in the skin of the hands to help manage people with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).

Long Covid and fatigue MRI
Investigating why people with long Covid experience long term fatigue, and whether this is associated with fitness level.

Lipids in skin ageing
Investigating the mechanisms that cause ageing and loss of skin function, and determine the age at which these changes begin.

Comparing and evaluating the effectiveness of two nerve stimulation devices in reducing pain from the nerve damage caused by diabetes.

Evaluating the effects of physical activity on glycaemia and daily insulin dose in sedentary people with type 1 diabetes.

Omega-3 and skin ageing
Investigating whether an omega-3 supplement can improve skin changes after menopause.

Evaluating how smart insoles and socks can be used to monitor and improve foot health for people with diabetes-related neuropathy (foot impairment).

Brain tumour research
Investigating how brain and skull-based tumours develop and progress. Healthy volunteers.

Parkinson’s Families Project (PFP)
Investigating the genetic causes of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders.

Study archive
View all research opportunities and studies that we have promoted online
Find out more about: Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY)