Help BEAT Diabetes

Person pricking finger to draw blood for testing

About Diabetes

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About Help BEAT Diabetes

Help BEAT Diabetes is a dedicated campaign supporting people to take part in research looking to discover new ways to prevent, diagnose and manage diabetes and its complications.

Registering with Research for the Future means you will receive information about opportunities to take part in research.

The process is easy.  We will ask you for your contact details, some questions about your general health, the type of diabetes you have and the year you were diagnosed.

Register now

About Diabetes

Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a common health condition that occurs when blood glucose (a type of sugar) becomes too high.   It can happen when the body is unable to produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.  There are many different types of diabetes with the most common being type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Over time, high glucose levels in the blood can cause damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.

Almost 5 million people in the UK are currently living with diabetes, this includes approximately 1 million people living with type 2 diabetes who have the condition but don’t yet have a confirmed diagnosis.


Taking part

Taking part in research means you will be helping to improve health and care for future generations as well as helping researchers:

  • better understand diabetes and how to prevent it
  • increase knowledge about the different types of diabetes and how to diagnose it
  • prevent and treat the complications of diabetes, including foot problems caused by nerve damage or eye problems (retinopathy)
  • identify effective treatments, such as drugs, self-management or support programmes
  • develop new services to support people living with diabetes or its complications
  • understand why some groups of people are at greater risk of developing diabetes or complications


There are lots of different types of research and ways you can take part, including:

  • completing a survey or questionnaire
  • being part of a discussion group
  • testing a smartphone app, online system, or activity tracker
  • trialling an exercise, diet or lifestyle programme
  • being part of a clinical trial testing new and existing medications.


We use the information you provide when you register to inform you about suitable opportunities as they arise along with details of how you can take part.  It is always your decision whether to take part in anything we tell you about.  If at any time you change your mind and no longer want to receive information, let us know.

The information you provide is stored on a secure NHS database.  It will never be shared with anyone else.  For more information about how we store and protect your personal information, see our ‘Privacy notice


Awards and commendations for the Help BEAT Diabetes campaign



We are delighted that Diabetes UK has partnered with us to promote the Help BEAT Diabetes campaign.

Diabetes UK is the UK’s leading charitable funder of diabetes research.  It funds projects that help to expand the understanding of the cause of diabetes, brings about life-changing breakthroughs in care, treatment and prevention and brings us all closer to a cure.



Health and advice

If you have a health concern, please contact your GP for advice and treatment.

The NHS 111 service is available to make it easier and quicker for people to get the right advice or treatment they need, be that for their physical or mental health.  24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  • Online at
  • Call 111 for free from a landline or mobile phone

The best sources of up-to-date accurate health information about living with diabetes:

Current studies

Supporting people with diabetes and CVD

Co-creating an intervention to better support people living with these conditions.

Find out more about: Supporting people with diabetes and CVD

Driving with Neuropathy

Assessing whether a visual feedback system will allow drivers with diabetic neuropathy to drive more safely.

Find out more about: Driving with Neuropathy

How you've helped us

Diabetes My Way

Investigating if a new online system can help people with type 2 diabetes manage their condition.

online meeting

Diabetes medication and cardiovascular health

Testing if diabetes medication can also be used to prevent heart attack, stroke, and other complications in people with type 2 diabetes.

Woman on laptop

Diabetes opportunities in Greater Manchester

Co-producing resources with patients for people with living with diabetes in Greater Manchester.

Woman on mobile phone

Developing a research proposal

Developing research to test a smartphone app to help people better manage their own health.