This study looks at the effects of physical activity on glycaemia and daily insulin dose in sedentary people with type 1 diabetes.
It is part of the Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) programme, which aims to provide evidence-based support for people living with diabetes to be able to undertake safe, effective exercise.
EXTOD-Active is being carried out by a team of researchers at Liverpool John Moores University.
- Aged 18-66
- Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for at least three years
- Don’t exercise regularly
- Spend most of the day sitting down
- Remote and online (via Zoom)
Taking part will mean being part of a six-week programme which will include:
- Two health tests in your own home which will include a range of tests (eg blood samples, body measurements etc) as well as questionnaires about lifestyle and medical history
- Wearing an activity monitor for one week
- Completing a four-week programme of ‘active breaks’ consisting of regular short walks to break up sitting time (*)
- Measuring insulin dose and carbohydrate intake and using an Abbott Libre sensor to monitor glucose levels throughout the study period.
Participants will receive £75 of shopping vouchers, paid in three instalments during the study.
* Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two groups; the control group which will continue with their normal lifestyle or the ‘active breaks’ group.
Recruiting until
- 30 April 2025
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