Digital pain application

Digital Pain Manikin

This study is looking at whether it is feasible for people with long-term musculoskeletal conditions to self-report their pain using a smartphone app.

Pain is a subjective experience and needs to be collected directly from people when they experience it.  Whilst there are many questionnaires available to self-report pain, they often have limitations. Previous research has suggested that pain drawings, sometimes called a ‘manikin’ may solve these.

The research team behind this study have developed and evaluated a test version of the ‘Manchester Digital Pain Manikin’ app.  They are now looking to further test with people who have a musculoskeletal pain condition to make sure they find it usable and acceptable for self-reporting their pain.

The survey is being carried out by the Centre for Health Informatics and the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis at the University of Manchester.

This study has ended and is currently not accepting new applicants.

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